Dear Anthony,

Thank you so much for this recounting of your years at The Philosopher. You clearly gave your heart and an abundance of time to an endeavor that could frequently be stressful on both a personal and professional level. And I for one think you did an amazing job.

Aware of my love of ideas, and realizing I have always had a "philosophical bent," I joined The Philosopher's community of readers and listeners, hoping that by doing so my life would become even more intentionally filled with the wisdom of others.

This exploration of diverse perspectives has been enlightening. I have especially enjoyed the Monday presentations. I have also deeply appreciated, on the few times when I have dropped you an email, how you have always been so friendly and welcoming. I will miss you, but I'm happy for the time you and your wife will now have to explore shared interests that will bring you both joy.

All best,

Vicki from Colorado:-)

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Thanks for this lovely message, Vicki. I will still be around though, so feel free to keep sending messages whenever you want. I'll still be running and hosting some of the Monday meetings etc. It's more cutting back than disappearing!

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hear! hear!

What a delightful read. Entertaining. Droll, at times. Arch, I would have thought. And down to Earth in the best possible philosophical tradition. You come across as the opposite of a snob, or Empire sentimentalist, or sassafras. BTW, is the a good time to pitch a Nietzsche review....What? Wait, gotta run, my better half is calling me to do the dishes...(I fear she may be a REpugnican!)

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Hi John. Just drop me a line via the Gmail re the Nietzsche thing. Thanks for this message!

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Well done Anthony. An amazing achievement to have got The Philosopher to where it is today. I know how much mental effort and physical energy you have put in to achieve this and wish you all the very best in your new roll at The Philosopher and a less stressful time moving forward. M

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Best of luck to you and your wife on your new and exciting adventures!

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Thanks Elizabeth, much appreciated! I will keep you updated via the Substack!

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This was an emotional read - I’ve laughed out loud a number of times and now have tears in my eyes!

You’ve created something rather wonderful over these years Anthony, reflective of all you’ve poured into it. Really proud of you, and if there’s any anniversary merch left, one party owl merch taker here. G x

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Much respect Anthony. My partner at the time Ali and I loved going to your events in the Lit and Phil, and the free bar / discussion at the Bridge Hotel afterwards was always exciting! Full of admiration for your dedication and passion. As a musician, the labour of love aspect resonates strongly with me! Wishing you all the best ☮️

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Thanks Calum, much appreciated. And HI!!!

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Wonderful farewell (of sorts). Change is good and looking forward to staying in touch in your next chapter. See you in New Haven soon

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Thanks Charlie. And, yes, see you soon!

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