“There are many good reasons to trust science, with the pandemic being just the latest example of scientists delivering on the innovation, technology, and medicine for which they are richly funded.”

Jesus H Christ.. you witnessed a completely different scamdemic than me and pretty much everyone I talk too.

It has just been revealed in Germany through FOI(and they had to go to court as the ‘science’ was desperate to hide the truth) that RKI was following the power grabbing government and not the other way round. It seems, and I’d bet the farm this was happening in every country, even governments weren’t “trusting the science”(as much as they tried to brainwash the public with that little catchphrase), turns out science(in this case RKI) was putting out information the government wanted spread through the public.

What chapter of the book is that in, and for my information.. does that come under disinformation, misinformation, pseudoscience, or criminal activity???

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It is unfathomable that folks imagine that ideologically and politically unaligned nations and entire civilizational blocks could pull off such a coordinated swindle and that the pandemic was an elaborate fraud perpetrated by big Pharma and some version of a deep state. It is perhaps more noteworthy that conspiratorial thinking tends to be serial and underpinned by a perceived lack of agency and self determination.

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Those who think it’s unfathomable simply aren’t thinking at all.

Kary Mullis(Nobel prize winning molecular chemist that invented the RT-PCR-“the PCR is not a diagnostic tool and should never be used as such, it is possible in high cycle conditions to find and replicate any piece of RNA in existence, the cycle count should not go over 28”(average cycles used in the scamdemic as recommended by the head of the WHO’s Tedros(an ex member of an Ethiopian terrorist organization)=42).

Does history suggest that it’s unfathomable that given the opportunity governments grab power?

Now let’s explore the works of Antony Faucis partner(in crime) who’s right at the apex of the medical industrial complex shall we… “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a Pan Coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Peter Daszak 2015, reported in the National academy’s of press publication Feb 12th 2016.

I’ll forgo offering up a pretentious word salad such as you offered me… honestly… if you can’t see it yet you are either dishonest, totally ignorant, or probably have problems putting your pants on one leg at a time.

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Thanks for this. Bad epistemology is arguably an even more serious problem than exclusionary ethics - although often they feed each other and feed off each other.

Tragically one of the most egregiously harmful pieces of misinformation and disinformation is also the most widely accepted. It is therefore rarely examined even by those concerned with promoting good epistemology - it almost never comes up as an example, because most of us want to keep believing it. It is that animal agriculture is or can be "humane" (meaning being treated with kindness and compassion) and "sustainable".

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